Sunday Nov 12, 2023
231.✨Magical potent🌑 new Moon in Scorpio: 🎭Is ”Karma a relaxing thought”?
Sunday Nov 12, 2023
Sunday Nov 12, 2023
The Moon is New in Scorpio November 13, 2023- With the Sun, Moon and Mars all in Scorpio things are intense. The New Moon is a time to set intentions. A time to turn inward to see what's really going on in there, and how to correct your course if need be.
It's time to get really real with yourself. There is much energy available to let go of the past and move forth unhindered. Whatever you've been hiding will come up for acknowledgement.
It is time to face your shadow. The parts of you that you find unacceptable get repressed and often your biggest talents are tied up with all that repression. Watch for feelings of guilt, shame, anger, vengeance, jealousy and fear.
The wheel of fortune is always turning and it's important to stay in the center of the wheel- the center of yourself. Change can be hard even when it's good. So take time to nurture yourself with hot baths, cozy clothes and people you can trust.
Trust is a fragile thing- it takes a lifetime to build and seconds to destroy. Now you can see who you can trust and who needs to go. You deserve to be surrounded by loving companions who adore you completely and whom you adore!
Move towards that even if it means bringing down the house. Life is short and fast- untangle yourself from the wrong direction.
This magical time has the capacity to quickly shift you closer to a more balanced and loving reality. Problems that have plagued you for years can be resolved for good.
Be open to change. Be the change. Your participation is needed now! Step up to the plate and come into your Power. Write down how you would like life to unfold in the near future and enjoy the synchronistic events that light your path to your most divine life lived fully. So be it.
Aries: Embrace your bold spirit, Aries. Authenticity is your guiding star this month. Be unapologetically yourself, whether it's in your career or relationships. Your genuine enthusiasm will light up your path.
Taurus: Ground yourself in authenticity, Taurus. Seek comfort in being true to your values. Your steadfast nature shines when you embrace what truly matters to you. Trust your instincts; they'll lead you to fulfilling connections.
Gemini: Your words carry weight, Gemini. Authentic communication deepens connections. Express yourself honestly, and watch as your relationships flourish. Embrace your multi-faceted self and share it with the world.
Cancer: Authenticity is your emotional anchor, Cancer. Trust your feelings and let them guide you. Vulnerability strengthens bonds; share your true self with those you hold dear.
Leo: Radiate authenticity, Leo. Your natural charisma is at its best when coupled with genuine self-expression. Shine brightly by embracing your passions and sharing them with others.
Virgo: Details matter, Virgo, but so does authenticity. Strive for balance this month. Embrace your meticulous nature, and let your genuine self shine through. Authenticity is the key to success.
Libra: Harmony lies in authenticity, Libra. Balance your social graces with genuine self-expression. True connections blossom when you share your authentic thoughts and feelings.
Scorpio: Depth and authenticity go hand in hand, Scorpio. Dive into the core of your desires and share them openly. Your authentic intensity will captivate those around you.
Sagittarius: Adventure awaits, Sagittarius. Embrace your free spirit authentically. Share your wisdom with an open heart, and watch as your journey unfolds in exciting ways.
Capricorn: Ambition meets authenticity, Capricorn. Pursue your goals with genuine passion. Let your authentic self lead the way in both your career and personal life.
Aquarius: Individuality is your superpower, Aquarius. Embrace your uniqueness without reservation. Your authenticity sparks innovation and inspires those around you.
Pisces: Imagination thrives on authenticity, Pisces. Dive into your creative flow and express your true self. Your authenticity adds a magical touch to everything you do.
Tuesday Nov 07, 2023
Tuesday Nov 07, 2023
November 4-12 Mercury moves into expansive, truth seeking Sagittarius. And Venus moves into happy harmony in Libra. Inspired life changing ideas are very much available. You can see life from an entirely different perspective and feel moved to connect.
November 8th Peace seeking Venus is moving into Libra. Venus moving into Libra is kinda lovely. Venus rules Libra and feels fantastic here. Libra is refined and charming. Libra dislikes the unpleasant and loud. It is a kind considerate energy that leans a little too much in the direction of pleasing people.
The Sagittarius Mercury should fix any of those nicey nicey tendencies that crop up now. Not that nice isn't right, it's just that being real is more meaningful. You can connect from the heart when you come from a place of truth. With all this buoyant Jupiter ruled energy available you can go far and get there fast.
November 9th Mercury in Sagittarius helps you think bigger than usual- Vision and Luck are on your side. Travel now if you can find the time -this would be soul expanding and deeply nurturing. There is nothing like another culture to sharpen your senses.
It's easy to get stuck in ruts. Use this wave of energy to dust off the stars in your eyes, remember why you are here.
The gift of intuition and certainty are yours in the next while. Stay open to ideas you've never had before. Believe in yourself and your dreams. Aim that arrow high.
You will find that you know things, you may not know how you know, but you know. It's a gift, that sort of certainty. Capture this knowing in journals. Have great conversations with supportive optimistic companions.
If you need to convince someone of your opinion you will have charisma and enthusiasm.. Just be careful not to start finger wagging and keep that know-it-all tone out of your voice. You will win by showing interest in the opinions of others.
This week be aware we are heading toward a potent Scorpio New Moon on the 13th. We may be more sensitive than usual. Self care is important. What nourishes you, body, mind and Soul?
Be aware that Friday is a dynamic day. Don’t take risks with your safety. Mars is adding courage and energy, just be cautious and considerate. But also express your artistic genius- inspired ideas are there for the taking. Reach out and grab one.
This week Look for sweet Venus in Libra and Mercury in Sagittarius to combine and create dream come true possibilities this week. Imagine the fairy tale brave prince waking the sleeping lady up with true love's kiss. Something beautiful can happen that wakes you from your slumber and makes you feel Loved, Loving, Love, sigh. . . And so it is.
Monday Oct 30, 2023
Monday Oct 30, 2023
October 30-November 4, 2023 Saturn goes direct November 4, 2023 You will feel a little more certain? Saturn helps us face the facts in the real world. It has been retrograde since June, its energy turned more inward.
Tuesday Venus Trines Uranus shaking things up. Shocking us with new and interesting situations and people we really value. You might find you are more open to Unusual people and ideas. Out of the blue life changes for the better. Grace.
Thursday Jupiter is Opposite the Sun. That is big energy. The Sun in Scorpio wants to do some deep deep diving and Jupiter in Taurus is looking to expand. Can you expand your investigation of what is true? Jupiter is seeking truth and knowledge and the Sun wants the reasons behind it all. Could be big revelations. Disclosure for the greater good.
On Friday Venus is opposite Neptune alchemizing any suffering into grace and understanding. Look for synchronicity and blessings even among our darkest hours, even through our deepest sorrow we can see the Light. It leads us.
Saturn heads direct on Saturday. Much has been restructured on the inner planes. Now that Saturn is direct we can start to see the results of our inner work in the outside world. Saturn is the taskmaster that reminds us of the need for discipline and healthy routines.
Nothing can be accomplished on this Earth plane without persistence and patience. Focus on the goal and the goal will come into focus. Saturn is a helpful influence giving you stability and certainty of purpose. If Saturn is affecting you negatively you may feel frozen, unable to express your feelings and fearful of your fears.
Also Saturday Mercury and Uranus will oppose each other. You might find yourself blurting unexpectedly. This can be a contentious energy. It can also be so exciting, new Ideas dropping down from the blue. Be aware of its powerful energy aimed at shaking us out of any ruts.
Sunday Mars triggers Chiron. Our wounds may surface for some love and attention. And the Scorpio season adds to this. Scorpio has keen intuition. It sniffs out the lies we tell ourselves to avoid the pain that shaped us. “Hurt people, Hurt people.”
We must let go of the old ways. Now it's easy Ask yourself what you are done with. What can you just stop doing? Or who? Scorpio energy is our chance to take back our power.
Where are you draining yourself? Call back all the parts of yourself you left behind when you didn't get to follow your heart. Winter is coming, it's time to regenerate. May you be cherished and cozy with a heart full of Peace.
Thursday Oct 26, 2023
Thursday Oct 26, 2023
October 28th 2023 The full moon Lunar Eclipse In Taurus is the book end to the Solar Eclipse. While We are in the portal of Change ask yourself:
What is the quality of that which sustains you? Now it is time to choose only what is truly valuable to you. Choose methods and procedures that create slow and steady progress.
Schedule time for simple pleasures: Long walks, delicious food, gardening, foot rubs, hot baths, cuddles and quality books, movies and music. Slow and steady stays healthy.
Being stubborn for the sake of it could trip you up right now. I've seen a Taurus or two, be stubborn to the point of stupidity. If you feel yourself dig your heels in, realize that you are likely being unreasonable just because.
Equally often this stubborn streak can be just the sort of knowing you need to stay the course and get behind your ideas. Stand up for a cause. Stick to your vision. Bull headed can serve a valuable purpose, wisely choose your battles.
Jupiter is also in opposition to Mercury, communication, and Mars, your warrior spirit. This may be tricky, you could feel some friction between what you think you want and what you really need. You may have to drag yourself towards the positive.
With Mercury Mars and the Sun in Scorpio you can bet your relationships are going to get deeper, intense even. That can be good or bad, it depends on your particular lessons and life path.
Pluto is joined with this moon energy bringing stuff up for us. The dark and moldy bits that have been left to fester, push through to the surface now.
Be open to the truth. Feel your way through. Sometimes we can only begin to live when we think we are going to die- thanks Pluto.
Pluto also creates an acute sensitivity to energy. If you are so inclined to be conscious of this process of evolution you are also part of the collective that is clearing out the old fear and pain. So all the exhaustion, all the fear, all the confusion, all the discomfort is being felt by you and me and everyone else too.
There is a restructuring going on for all of humanity. Whatever is in the way of that is being shown now. The invisible becomes visible. Disillusion is highly likely.
Sometimes our lives suck because we deserve it. Karma is not fair but just. The grace is in the understanding. Pluto can provide the right threads to pull for deeper awareness. Don’t turn away from the shadow, shine a light right into that scary ass darkness. The intensity will lift soon. Ish.
To make the most of this Full Moon lunar Eclipse on the 28th disengage from the hustle and tune into the flow. Breath deep and root down into the life you are creating for yourself. Are you pleased with what you have drawn into your world?
If not, now you can see the simple things that are missing. Tune into nature to fill in the blanks. Make some space to clear your mind, sit still, be still, and open your Heart. In this place of stillness all things are created.
Now add to the stillness the vision of the best life you can imagine for yourself, your loved ones, and the planet. Now add the light. The wheels of creation are in motion. Be grateful. Be blessed. Blessed Be! And so it Is!
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Sunday Oct 15, 2023
Sunday Oct 15, 2023
October 16-22 2023 As we travel through the Eclipse portal Mercury shifts into Scorpio on the 21st. Mercury represents the part of our psyche that rules communications, how we think, write, and the tools we use to make all this happen.
Keep your feet on the ground and be aware of what is transpiring around you. The Universe is always bringing us what we need to learn next. Clearing the way for our hearts deep desires.
With Mercury in Scorpio you may find yourself with the deep desire to get to the bottom of things. If life is off track now you can't help but dig around for reasons. Scorpio is great at endings, so if you find yourself in need of dropping shitty people or situations, now is your chance.The Scorpio Mercury should fix any of those nicey nicey tendencies that crop up now. Not that nice isn't right, it's just that being real is more meaningful. You can connect from the heart when you come from a place of truth.
Don't be surprised if you feel more emotional than usual. Though feeling so much can be tiring, it's also a powerful tool. If you follow your true feelings you can make choices that will change your life.
Your feelings are your guidance system, leading you to your Happiest life. With Mercury in Scorpio you will become very clear about what you feel about all aspects of your life. Now would be a great time to take notes. Writing a journal will help you capture all the insights and ideas you will be having now.
The Next Eclipse is Lunar on the 28th in Taurus. This can be balm for the Soul. Our Urge to commit and ground deep deep down is strong and sustaining. While you travel through this Eclipse portal be conscious and intentional. Be Brave. Life is what happens when you are making other plans. Nevertheless, plan carefully. It is your life and You are precious.
Monday Oct 09, 2023
Monday Oct 09, 2023
October 9-15 2023 is a big week in the Cosmos- We are in an Eclipse Portal, doorways to new adventures are opening. Big changes are happening,be ready for opportunity. We are in the space between what was and what will be. Pluto going direct and Mars moving to Scorpio add to the weight of this week.
The Solar Eclipse New Moon in Libra Saturday October 14, 2023 PST gets us in touch with our needs in relationships. Eclipses are portals that usher us along in our growth. Libra rules justice and harmony. It can rule what we want in a relationship but also has a knack for pointing out our enemies too. Those who we can not tolerate or will not tolerate us.
Chiron and Mercury are part of this Solar Eclipse dance. If we can feel we can heal. Don’t shy away from vulnerability. Our communications will bring healing.
Pluto moves forward again on Tuesday and this will get things moving in your life. Pluto is in Capricorn which means that something outwardly tangible is coming from this transit. For the last five months Pluto has reversed his forward trek to allow for review. Not everyone will be directly affected, but if you are a Capricorn, Cancer, Libra or Aries you are going to feel the effects.
Wednesday Mars slides into suspicious Scorpio. What can you uncover? What do you need to know? Catharsis is in the air. From the depths will come insights that help you wake up to reality- point out what's really going on. This new awareness creates the strength and energy to follow through. Things are meant to be changing, a new you is being birthed and it's obvious.
A ton of shifting is happening this week. Keep your feet on the ground and be aware of what is transpiring around you. The Universe is always bringing us what we need to learn next. Clearing the way for our hearts deep desires.
The planets are helping us to automagically transform. It's more fun to participate consciously, acknowledging the magic as it happens. Drawing more magic in. May this be a week of upward shift to the next best place in our most precious lives. Namaste.
Monday Oct 02, 2023
Monday Oct 02, 2023
October 2-8 2023 Communicator Mercury moves into peace seeking Libra and Venus is making the big move from fun loving Leo to fastidious Virgo. Our thoughts turn to relationships. Is there balance? Is it fair? Is it healthy?
Mercury Moves to Libra Wednesday morning. Justice and balance are important to you this month. Relating to others is paramount. Being Alone won't feel right. It is through the eyes of others that we get a glimpse of ourselves. Sometimes a full on projection. Libra is all about getting along. Seek peace and beauty-Such things will be soothing to your mind and heart with Mercury in Libra Until October 23rd.
You may also find yourself to be indecisive. Your mind is now capable of seeing all sides to all situations- However do you choose? Maybe now is not the time for choosing. Make notes now and choices later.
Venus moves into Virgo on October 8. Venus in Virgo will be helpful for getting really real in relationships. You might suddenly become aware of a longstanding issue in your relationship that you just are not willing to put up with anymore. There is clearing available that everyone can harness. Be real about what you need and what you need to feel. Virgo Venus is not shy when it comes to discussing the issues. Yay!
In fact, Venus in Virgo revels in all kinds of clean ups- now it's your relationships and all that you value that is being gifted with this clean it all up focus. Run with it- Your plans to improve the Virgo areas of your life are more than supported.
Do you need to write? Is there something you need to drop from your diet? What routines can you add to your life that will bolster your health and mental well-being? How can you profit from improvement? How can you be of service? Embrace new routines or relationships. Life is magic, you never know what you are going to get.
This week you can certainly feel the difference in your relationships- Your thoughts will turn to ideas that can shift things around on that front. Remember you are going for balance and healthy connections. Why invest in someone if they are not investing in themselves? Keep that in mind when you lay your cards on the table.
Another week of growth and change ahead. Enjoy all the fixing and newness. Find balance in the busy and joy in order. You are a creative being making a beautiful life. Embrace it.
Tuesday Sep 26, 2023
224.🌕Full Moon in Aries:💥 Be who you are! 💪
Tuesday Sep 26, 2023
Tuesday Sep 26, 2023
The Moon is Full in Aries on September 29,2023. Ka pow! Self interest is natural now. Here is a chance to see how you really feel. Brave, bold, certain. Who couldn’t use a smidge of that?
Remember, this is all going to be experienced from your point of view. And there are as many perspectives as there are people.
Wednesday, Chiron, the wounded healer, also the healer within us, connects with Mercury. Wounds to your identity may be rising here. Humiliation, shame, guilt and misplaced blame are all likely to rise for your perusal.
Though this configuration ain’t easy it is productive. What parts of the real you have you kept hidden away to gain approval or acceptance? This is the part you need to feel. What you feel you can heal.
With the Aries energy you may behave uncharacteristically self-assertive. This is a double edged sword. The energy is ripe for overdoing it. You might just blow your top in an inappropriate situation. Aries can tend to head off in their own direction without caring about
What someone else might need or want. There is a rushing energy that can create missteps and accidents.
Forethought is always a good idea but when Mars ruled Aries is in the mix instinct trumps consideration. Be aware of this and you may be able to save yourself some embarrassment.
On the other hand, speaking your mind from your heart can heal you on deep inner levels. Perhaps you need to share your feelings. Maybe a sternly worded letter would help. Your courage is significant and so are you.
Tense energy between Venus and Uranus during this Full Moon can support our efforts to heal our relationships in unexpected ways, suddenly, out of the blue. Let love lead the way. It will lead you to more Love.
Use this full moon energy to prepare for the next new moon with a solar eclipse in Libra: The eclipse opens the portal to change. The next two weeks will clear the decks for the best version of your highest life to manifest. There is much energy available for you to step into your power and be who you came here to be. Godspeed.
Monday Sep 18, 2023
Monday Sep 18, 2023
On Friday September 22 The Equinox occurs as the Sun Leaves orderly Virgo for peace seeking Libra. This is one of the four power points of the year. The night and day are equal.
This is a powerful time of year to reflect on the last three months. Now we can see the results of our efforts. Summer is done. It's time to harvest and transform. It's time to get cozy and connect. The Sun moves to Libra reminding us we need peace and each other. Really we do.
We become aware of our need to feel connected and part of a unit. For the next four weeks our concern for others will increase while the Sun shines its light through the sign of Libra. Libra is a sign that seeks harmony and beauty. Libra asks " What do you think?" And means it.
To harness the full power of the Equinox, spend the day attending to your inner world. Journal your impressions. Set your intentions for the coming Autumn.
What would you like to bring into your Life now? What do you need to let go of? What outmoded ways and relationships are in the way of your progress?
You can see things clearly. We are supported in deep level shifting now. We can get from here to there with very little effort. All we need to do is set the intention and take stock.
Libra energy can be indecisive. So many sides to each story make choosing seem impossible.
If you get confused about what to let go of here is a great little visualization for clarity:
Imagine you are speeding up your vibration to raise yourself up to occupy a better, more evolved version of your life. You can imagine your world spinning faster and faster around you. What people, situations, and things spin out and away from you as you raise up? Whatever sticks with you is meant to come along with you to a more loving evolved version of your life. What spins off into space is meant to go.
This next Season we will feel great big shifts as our emotional intuition is set to expand and our skill at manifesting a solid foundation complete with peace and little luxuries will be strong.
May we see clearly the path to our happiest future. May we progress with Joy in our hearts and Love all around us. Blessed be! May the Light in your Heart show the way!
Monday Sep 11, 2023
Monday Sep 11, 2023
September 11- 17 The Moon is New in discerning Virgo, and Virgos Ruler Mercury goes Direct. Clarity is a worthy pursuit.The stars align for you to fine tune and streamline your world.
The New moon is on Septermber 14th at 6: 30 pm. PST in fastidious Virgo. This energy just can't help but to fix it all up. Lots can get done today. All this Virgo energy has an amazing eye for detail.
Your health matters and Virgo is born with this knowledge. Tap into this to see how you might tweak your routines to promote longevity. Often the smallest shift can make life long lasting differences, like a long lasting life.
Generous Jupiter and Genius Uranus have a hand in this new moon energy. Jupiter adds a dash of luck and loves butter. Uranus is here to snap you out of it. Waking up is essential. No time to get down because you're moving up.
Have fun. Be brave. Be Yourself. You will benefit from honesty. Lies may have speed but Truth has endurance. Bolts of truth are striking in liberating ways.
Friday the 15th Mercury finally goes direct- Things should run smooth now. Even better than smooth. Until October 4th Mercury will be in VIrgo, its own sign. Oh my, can we get organized. Isn't it exciting?
Move forward in all areas of health and communication. Crafty self expression and service rank high too. Virgo energy is of the utmost assistance when aimed right. Discipline the critical voice in your head. Kindness helps.
To make good use of this New moon there is an area of your life that could use a going over, a streamlining. Is there a bad habit you can drop and a good one you can pick up?. Virgo wants it just right. Even though it never will be. But why not aim for perfection? You may just be closer than you realize. Keep up the good work. Virgo Loves good work. Many Blessings of obvious forward progress.
Remember that the New Moon's energy typically encourages us to set intentions, focus on personal growth, and get organized. Keep this in mind as you read your horoscope:
Aries: This New Moon in Virgo is your cue to organize your daily routines. Focus on health and fitness goals. Set a practical plan to achieve them. Small, consistent efforts will lead to big results.
Taurus: Time to declutter your mind and surroundings, Taurus. Organize your home and workspace for better productivity. Setting a new budget or financial goal can also help stabilize your finances.
Gemini: Communication is key for you during this New Moon. Clear up any misunderstandings and start important conversations. Set goals for self-improvement, like learning a new skill or enhancing your knowledge.
Cancer: Your focus should be on financial security and self-worth. Set realistic financial goals and budgets. Assess your values and ensure they align with your actions and investments.
Leo: This New Moon encourages you to prioritize self-care. Establish a healthier routine, both physically and mentally. Setting boundaries with others will also empower you to nurture yourself.
Virgo: It's your New Moon, Virgo! Time to set intentions for personal growth. Focus on your well-being, self-confidence, and identity. You have the power to create a better version of yourself.
Libra: Your social life takes the spotlight. Reevaluate your friendships and connections. Focus on nurturing relationships that bring positivity and personal growth.
Scorpio: This New Moon urges you to set practical career goals. Organize your professional life and make a plan for advancement. Attention to detail will be your key to success.
Sagittarius: Expand your horizons, Sagittarius. Set goals for travel, education, or personal beliefs. It's an excellent time to broaden your perspective and explore new opportunities.
Capricorn: Focus on shared resources and deep connections. Review your joint financial arrangements and make necessary adjustments. Intimacy and trust-building are also essential.
Aquarius: This New Moon encourages you to invest in your partnerships. Define your relationship goals, whether personal or professional. Clear communication will enhance your connections.
Pisces: Prioritize your well-being, Pisces. Set practical health and self-care goals. Create a balanced routine that includes physical and emotional nourishment. Your self-improvement journey begins now.
Remember that astrology is for guidance and reflection, and your actions and choices play a significant role in your life's outcomes. Use the energy of the New Moon in Virgo to set practical intentions that align with your aspirations and responsibilities.