
Monday Sep 11, 2023
Monday Sep 11, 2023
September 11- 17 The Moon is New in discerning Virgo, and Virgos Ruler Mercury goes Direct. Clarity is a worthy pursuit.The stars align for you to fine tune and streamline your world.
The New moon is on Septermber 14th at 6: 30 pm. PST in fastidious Virgo. This energy just can't help but to fix it all up. Lots can get done today. All this Virgo energy has an amazing eye for detail.
Your health matters and Virgo is born with this knowledge. Tap into this to see how you might tweak your routines to promote longevity. Often the smallest shift can make life long lasting differences, like a long lasting life.
Generous Jupiter and Genius Uranus have a hand in this new moon energy. Jupiter adds a dash of luck and loves butter. Uranus is here to snap you out of it. Waking up is essential. No time to get down because you're moving up.
Have fun. Be brave. Be Yourself. You will benefit from honesty. Lies may have speed but Truth has endurance. Bolts of truth are striking in liberating ways.
Friday the 15th Mercury finally goes direct- Things should run smooth now. Even better than smooth. Until October 4th Mercury will be in VIrgo, its own sign. Oh my, can we get organized. Isn't it exciting?
Move forward in all areas of health and communication. Crafty self expression and service rank high too. Virgo energy is of the utmost assistance when aimed right. Discipline the critical voice in your head. Kindness helps.
To make good use of this New moon there is an area of your life that could use a going over, a streamlining. Is there a bad habit you can drop and a good one you can pick up?. Virgo wants it just right. Even though it never will be. But why not aim for perfection? You may just be closer than you realize. Keep up the good work. Virgo Loves good work. Many Blessings of obvious forward progress.
Remember that the New Moon's energy typically encourages us to set intentions, focus on personal growth, and get organized. Keep this in mind as you read your horoscope:
Aries: This New Moon in Virgo is your cue to organize your daily routines. Focus on health and fitness goals. Set a practical plan to achieve them. Small, consistent efforts will lead to big results.
Taurus: Time to declutter your mind and surroundings, Taurus. Organize your home and workspace for better productivity. Setting a new budget or financial goal can also help stabilize your finances.
Gemini: Communication is key for you during this New Moon. Clear up any misunderstandings and start important conversations. Set goals for self-improvement, like learning a new skill or enhancing your knowledge.
Cancer: Your focus should be on financial security and self-worth. Set realistic financial goals and budgets. Assess your values and ensure they align with your actions and investments.
Leo: This New Moon encourages you to prioritize self-care. Establish a healthier routine, both physically and mentally. Setting boundaries with others will also empower you to nurture yourself.
Virgo: It's your New Moon, Virgo! Time to set intentions for personal growth. Focus on your well-being, self-confidence, and identity. You have the power to create a better version of yourself.
Libra: Your social life takes the spotlight. Reevaluate your friendships and connections. Focus on nurturing relationships that bring positivity and personal growth.
Scorpio: This New Moon urges you to set practical career goals. Organize your professional life and make a plan for advancement. Attention to detail will be your key to success.
Sagittarius: Expand your horizons, Sagittarius. Set goals for travel, education, or personal beliefs. It's an excellent time to broaden your perspective and explore new opportunities.
Capricorn: Focus on shared resources and deep connections. Review your joint financial arrangements and make necessary adjustments. Intimacy and trust-building are also essential.
Aquarius: This New Moon encourages you to invest in your partnerships. Define your relationship goals, whether personal or professional. Clear communication will enhance your connections.
Pisces: Prioritize your well-being, Pisces. Set practical health and self-care goals. Create a balanced routine that includes physical and emotional nourishment. Your self-improvement journey begins now.
Remember that astrology is for guidance and reflection, and your actions and choices play a significant role in your life's outcomes. Use the energy of the New Moon in Virgo to set practical intentions that align with your aspirations and responsibilities.

Monday Sep 04, 2023
Monday Sep 04, 2023
September 4-10 Expanding Jupiter retraces his steps for the rest of the year. Take your foot off the gas for a bit. 6 planets are retrograde. Looking back is the way to go forward. Venus though, after a 6 week retrograde, is heading forward again. We should have a pretty clear idea of what our hearts value now.
Mercury is also in retrograde messing with our communications until September 15. Be careful what you say, what you sign, and what you save. It’s discernment time.
Monday Jupiter is retrograde until December 30, 2023. Jupiter is the truth seeker. Expansive and philosophical. We seek to understand. Jupiter is also a Jolly energy laughter and celebration come with the territory. While Jupiter is in retrograde we retrace our steps in regards to our beliefs and efforts to reach out into the world.
With so many retrograde energies right now moving forward is our last priorit..We need to be present with hindsight. Journaling will help you sort out the many feelings and ideas rising for review.
It's wise to pour over the past before moving forward. Get those lucky ducks of yours in a row. Be brave and true- Jupiter has your back.
You may have noticed since July 17 things have been off. Not so lovely. Not so beautiful. Venus went retrograde and for 6 weeks took us down into the underworld. The darkside of life we try to ignore. It's not a common occurrence, happening every 18 months, but when it does go retrograde we know it. We feel it.
On September 3rd Venus went direct again. Now we are more clear on what we value. With Venus shining through the lens of Leo our true heart's desire is beating loud and clear. Tuck away what you have learned. The time to act is not now. But by October things will start to hum along in a forward direction.
Wednesday the Sun and Mercury are conjoined in Virgo. Oh my, can we get organized. All our drawers in order. Even the junk drawer, especially that. Do your detailed thinking now. Make lists. Plan action. Take care of yourself and all your lovelies.
This earthy energy is here to help ground us on this discombobulating Earth plane. We need strong roots to grow into our new realities, all healthy and complete.
Enjoy this week of new energies. Stop and smell the roses. Appreciate all your efforts. You deserve the space to sort through the rubble of the past before you build your happy healthy future. So be it.

Monday Aug 28, 2023
Monday Aug 28, 2023
August 28-September 3 2023. Uranus goes retrograde on the 28th for 5 months. Uranus is here to liberate us from any and all that stops us from being who we were born to be. Roll with it. Tuck your head. The Pisces full moon, August 30th connects us to the Spiritual realm.
Monday, Uranus goes retrograde,which is a relief really. It's been marching forward in the sign of Taurus blasting away limitations and destabilizing all of us. Comfort is nice but it’s not what life is all about, there is more. There is a purpose. Our ruts keep us stuck.
Uranus will be retrograding until January 19th, 2024, it will be revisiting territory you have been moving through since May 2023. This gives you a chance to see, in a more detached way, if you are on the right track.
Mercury is also retrograde in exacting Virgo along with the Sun. This is an opportunity to go over things with a fine tooth comb. Everything is in the details.
On August 30th the Sun is in Virgo, and the full Moon will be in Pisces, Virgo's opposite. Both signs do desire perfection, but focus on different areas; Virgo is more earthy and practical and Pisces wants dreams to magically come true. Bibbity-bobbity-boo sort of perfect: the dreamy ideal.
The issue with all that idealism is realism. The big dreamers are often left wanting, stuck in a dull reality that can't compare with their visionary images. This is where disillusionment comes in. It's painful when we see the Truth, but always liberating.
Saturn will be fused together with this full moon. It may not be fun but we can structure all that big dreaming energy into something real. Something dependable and lucrative.
This Virgo sun will have you focused on healing as well. Get quiet and listen for your inner self to share the deeper wisdom about why you are attracting certain physical issues. If you listen closely you may see that your health issues tie into emotional issues.
This Full Moon take some time to Spiritualize. Let go of what is no longer useful and ask it to let go of you. Focus on your breathing, create the future you desire through Art and Writing. Be Grateful for all you have right Now. And Now.. . and Now...

Monday Aug 21, 2023
Monday Aug 21, 2023
August 21-27 2023 The Sun enters perfection seeking Virgo. It’s time to put it all in order. Mercury goes retrograde: review, renew, reorganize, regenerate. Mars enters Libra- perhaps a fight for justice will win.
Every year at the end of August the life-giving sun shines through the lens of Virgo for a month. This year it is the 23rd. You may feel a need to make your world deep down clean. I am talking about the nooks and crannies, suddenly Q-tips are useful beyond just clean ears.
If you are lucky enough to have a Virgo in your life, the odds are good you are the recipient of an ordered world. Don't take it for granted- Not all of us have expert assistance-Your mate will have your life streamlined and functioning smoothly.
Now is the time to clean up your Diet too. What level of perfection have you achieved? Are you eating locally? Do you grow your own food? Or is most of what you eat coming out of cans or from restaurants? Have you been exercising your body?
Become aware of your own energy and learn to release and remove that which is stuck. This will help keep you healthy and young. Virgo is intuitively aiming for longevity. A Virgo often ages wonderfully- all fit and vibrant. Yoga is a powerful technology for the mind and body. So is Tai chi.
Mercury goes retrograde the same day the Sun moves into Virgo. Look to perfect the systems in your life. Use this time to get things in order. Paint the bedroom. Clean out the junk drawers. Scan your living space and get rid of the clutter- it's bad for your energy.
Make room for the new in your life by literally making space. If you want a new couch, get rid of the old one, even if you can't see how you will get the new couch. The space will create a Vacuum and suck in that lovely new sofa.
Virgo is also about service. How can you help? Often, it is Virgo who will brew the tea and hand out the micro-nutrients. Virgo knows that your health is directly related to what goes into your body. The Virgo eye will question what the doctor is prescribing, distrust what might be in the water supply, and be the first to ditch the lotions, soaps, toothpastes and deodorant after learning of the toxic soup we swim in.
Virgo has a tendency to worry. Worry makes people crazy. In fact, it is the fear thoughts that drive a Virgo to perfection in the name of prevention. You will find that when you are proactive the negative worry mind subsides. Invest in a bottle of Bach's Rescue Remedy for when you need some gentle help to calm your mind. You may find Bach's flower remedy system of healing fascinating and helpful right now.
Mars moves to Libra on Sunday. More on that next week. Keep your mind open to learn new and healthy ways to improve your life. Much can be accomplished this month of Virgo. Enjoy the process of your progress. Practice makes Progress.

Monday Aug 14, 2023
Monday Aug 14, 2023
August 16, 2023 The New Moon in Leo gives us an opportunity to prioritize Joy in our lives. Is your heart open? Are you expressing yourself creatively? Are you encouraging others to do the same?
Leo is a warm, generous, creative sign. It is here that we play and laugh and freely express ourselves, we belt out a song, or speak our minds, we draw our rendition, we write, we speak, we have fun, self expression is the domain of Leo. Now it is time to be grateful for You. Yay You!! Shout it from the mountain tops.
This new moon has squaring energies. There is a rock in your shoe. Something must be done about it. Our discernment is on point. Regardless of that we are having a bit of an inner battle. One part wants to bust out of ruts. The other part is really not so into all that change that takes. Not to fear. This is perfect energy to do, be and have something new born into the world.
New Moons are wonderful opportunities to reset our intentions. Use this Leo new moon energy to get clear about why YOU are here on planet Earth, at this time, in this way.
Find a spot in the Sun, turn your face and heart to the light and download your upgrade. Now you are clearer. Now your heart is stronger. Now you are happy. Now you are healthy. Now you have all that you need to get what you want. Now you are fulfilled. Now you are fearless. And, now, Love hovers over you and you are Safe!
For this new moon in Leo, be brave and joyful and live like you are about to die.

Monday Aug 07, 2023
Monday Aug 07, 2023
August 7-13 2023 We are in the middle of the Leo Season. The stars are aligned with the Lions gate and Venus is touring the underworld. We can tap into the joyful abundance of our regal roots and find the pearl in the oyster. We are strong and brave and the timing is Divine.
On August 8th we will experience the Lions gate. From July 26, Sirius the Spiritual Sun slowly comes into alignment with our Sun, Earth, and Orion's Belt. It is at the peak on the 8th. We can tap into the next level and easily see how to lead with our hearts.
The Moon will fuse with Jupiter and Uranus expanding our urge for truth and change on a global scale. Just look at all the UAP disclosures, aka UFO, happening now. And there is more to learn if you look. Any question you can ask has an answer.
Wednesday there are wonderful blessings between the benefactor of great good fortune Jupiter and communicator Mercury. Open your mind to the next great adventure with a grateful heart. What is to come is the very best yet. Align your mind with your heart.
The strong fire energy supports us in our take off. Helps us believe what we know is true. Confidence is more natural now as Venus and the Sun are in Leo. We are all getting a massive download of energy to help with our progress to our most joyful lives.
Set your compass to the direction of Joy and the choice to make will always be obvious. Especially now with all the follow your heart vibes during our tour through Royal Leo.
Go with the flow and trust the great unfolding of life. It gets easy to tap into the energy available. Such is synchronicity.
Wednesday Retrograde Venus will square Uranus. Unexpected twists and turns keep the story interesting. What we value may be challenged or changing in unexpected ways. Someone new and unexpected can land in your world.
Chiron is Active on Friday and Saturday. We are blessed with an instinct to heal. Restructuring is being done down in the deep dark depths of ourselves. This is good luck.
Sunday Venus will slide up to the Sun. This is fabulous, flambuoyant energy. Show them your stuff. Follow your heart. Your life is your work of art. You are the designer of your future self. If only we knew how much we know. Any question you can ask has an answer.
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If you would like to find out more about your chart or have a question about astrology you would love the answer to, please do connect with me at: Everydayastrology@protonmail.com

Tuesday Aug 01, 2023
216.🌕Aquarius Full Moon⚡ What are your gifts? Offer them up 🌞
Tuesday Aug 01, 2023
Tuesday Aug 01, 2023
July 31- August 6 2023 The Moon is full in Aquarius, natural humanitarian of the Zodiac. What you started in January and February are showing results. Cast a wide net and connect. Join a movement. Better Yet, start one. " The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.”
The Sun is in Leo now stoking the fires around the world. The heat is on. We can get in touch with what our unique contribution is. Who we really are straight from the heart is speaking loud and clear now. Leo lights up your heart.
Hold the focus and aim with your heart. Spend time visualizing and creating art to represent the direction you wish to head in your life. Focus around the full moon can create pretty quick miracles.
This Aquarius full moon packs a punch with Jupiter trine Mars. Trines are blessings and opportunities. Things are charmed now, it would be a good time to really appreciate what you have. You can easily amplify your thoughts now and send the good ones out ahead of you to meet with in the future. As we think so we are, when your thoughts feel good run with them.
Saturn is opposite Mercury so lean in to work around communication. Take your time and think carefully. Deliberate thought is powerful now. Careful weighing of all the options. If you are depressed or anxious- Saturn stuff. Turn your attention to the work of clearing out the unnecessary.
This full moon may very well provoke an unexpected overhaul in your world. Sudden lucky events are not uncommon for this combination of planets. Uranus loves shocking us into new directions. Jupiter bestows upon us all things great. Everything lucky is Jupiter's forte. Open your arms and hold out that cup, let the good times roll.
This Aquarius moon you might find yourself suddenly expressing the part of yourself that you try to hide. Uranus is the ruler of this Full moon and Uranus likes change- the more sudden and shocking the better.
So watch your tongue, but also don't. Often what comes out is exactly what needs to. This next few weeks offer an opportunity to reach out into the world in new ways. State your goals. Be Brave! Jump up to the next level in your evolution. "If you risk nothing, then you risk everything.

Monday Jul 24, 2023
Monday Jul 24, 2023
Hello Lovely You
July 24-30 2023. The Sun is in Leo and Mercury will be moving to Virgo this week. We can have fun and get things done. Mercury will also conjunct Venus this week providing a special dash of magic to our communications.
The week starts off with a supportive energy. Our minds are clear. We can see what needs doing. Tick of the items on your to do list.
The moon Moves into Scorpio Tuesday lending a hand in feeling feelings we like to avoid. Your instincts are strong. Your courage is huge.
Thursday is a busy day. The big news is the fusing of Mercury and Venus in Leo. Sweet Venus is tapping us into what we value. Beauty and joy are top of the list through this sunny Leo lens.
With this energy we can communicate something important. Our words are kind and soothing. Our creativity is sparkling. Uranus is likely to flash life changing ideas to you. Neptune is revealing the magic through the fog. It is clear you need to creatively self express. The world needs what you have to offer.
Friday Mercury moves to Virgo. This is where the next retrograde will be in August as well. How exciting! We can trust our minds when Mercury travels through its own sign. De-clutter your life. Clean up your diet. Make important lists about all you need to get done before winter sets in.
Remember, Venus and Chiron are now retracing their steps. Allow yourself to look over where you have been and what you have learned. Have your goals changed over the last three years? When you look back you can make more refined moves forward. Trust the process.
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If you would like to find out more about your chart or have a question about astrology you would love the answer to, please do connect with me at: Everydayastrology@protonmail.com

Friday Jul 14, 2023
214.🌘New Moon in intuitive Cancer 07-17 💞 ”What you seek is seeking you”🎯
Friday Jul 14, 2023
Friday Jul 14, 2023
Hello Lovely You
July 17-23 2023 The Moon is new in "I got your back" Cancer. Being connected and Cozy is an absolute genuine need. You can feel that now, in fact you can feel everything now. Use your finely tuned senses to finely tune your circumstances. Bless your nest. Fluff that stuff up and invite in the family that's yours in for a snuggle.
There is a lot going on with this New Moon. Your dreams are supported by Neptune. Connecting to your higher self is a given- your guidance is Divine. Jupiter is ading a splash of luck and Mercury is helping you see all the steps needed to create the big picture.
Pluto is adding a real pull to progress in Capricorn- an underneath drive to completely transform in a systematic way and rise from the ashes of all that was broken.
Watch for wild card Uranus to resist the responsibility that will come along with this new path. On the other hand, Uranus might also be just the jolt of ballsie you need to make a break for your new world.
Thursday there are wonderful connections between pleasure seeking Venus, the moon, Neptune and the Sun. If you are on the market for a new romance, get yourself out there and mingle. With water energy you can be sure to feel a longing for deep connections. You are looking for your Ohana. We all need to feel like we belong. Be sure you are not sacrificing who you really are for what you think you want. Don’t abandon yourself.
Beautiful art and synchroncities can come of this time. Express yourself. Revel in the magic. See beauty. You encounter synchronicities to alert you to the right directions. You higher self leads the way with magical moments. Unforgettable coincidences occur. Life is so much more than meets the eye.
If you find yourself alone, there is an animal in need of a home who will remind you how important a cuddle is. Many people don't get a pet, it's too much responsibility, too much need from another aimed at them, too much risk of heart ache and loss. Too much trouble in general. I get it. But if you are feeling lonely and have yet to connect with the one for you there is a dog waiting for you. Dog spelled backwards is God.
Mars and Saturn are also creating a start stop feeling. Mars is all fired up and Saturn is all, “gear down big rig”. You need both the courage of Mars and the caution of Saturn to progress with success. It's not this or that but both.
The North/South Nodes are shifting this week too. A whole new chapter is opening. With the North Node now in Aries we have a fire in our belly. Use your South node in Libra tools to bring harmony and cooperation to the mix. We need each other. More to come on the Nodes sign change.
Venus and Chiron are going retrograde this weekend. Helping us review the past year and integrating the lessons. Honor your path. What you have been through has not been easy.
The 22nd the Sun Moves into fun seeking Leo. Let the games begin! Seek joy, follow your heart and be happy being you. How lucky you came here as you.
Uranus and Mercury are connecting Sunday, offering up unusual ideas and unexpected new directions. This is how we break out of ruts we’ve been stuck in. To live is to change. Embrace the unusual. Expect the unexpected.
We are here to heal this week. Be present to your feelings. If painful stuff surfaces, feel it, tap into it. Or even better tap on it. Once our sad stuff gets acknowledged we can tap all our joy. Love it all. Love is all. Many Blessings.
This is the perfect week to begin anew. Plant the seeds. Trust your feelings. We are starting a new chapter. A beautiful fulfilling chapter full of Health, Love and Success. So it is!
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If you would like to find out more about your chart or have a question about astrology you would love the answer to, please do connect with me at: Everydayastrology@protonmail.com

Monday Jul 10, 2023
Monday Jul 10, 2023
Mars, Planet of action, moves into Virgo and Mercury hops into Leo to join Venus on July 11, 2023. This is a wonderfully productive time. Virgo is the flaw finder of the Zodiac, capable of seeing all that is wrong in any situation. Mars is our inner warrior. Our healthy ability to assert ourselves and make things happen in the world.
Mars in Virgo can seriously accomplish things and it'll feel good. Or, you could be bitchy and critical, even neurotic. It's hard to see all the folly, frightening even. When you feel frustrated with the flaws of the world take a deep breath and send Love instead- what you send out comes back to you, we all wither under criticism. A breath of fresh air is welcome.
Mercury joins Venus in encouraging Leo this week. Self expression is a must for the rest of July. Just do it. Say it. Be it. Live You. You deserve whatever you can conjure up for yourself.
What makes you happy? Where is your joy? Where is your inspiration? A healthy Leo is natural at sharing their talents and skills with the world. They know how to help others do the same. Make joy a priority. Find Play. We need that influx of fun to keep us going.
Wednesday there is a square with the Sun and Chiron. Chiron helps us get in touch with our inner wounds. There is power buried with these painful memories. Often your current feelings are just a reflection of the past traumas you had to endure. When we are young and vulnerable we do what we can to survive. When we can’t leave the bad situation so we create selves that can deal with it. We bury our needs and push away our hurt. It is ours to heal. Our healing heals others.
Chiron helps us bring back this power, heal our hurts and be our most magical selves. If you are feeling triggered. Lean in with compassion for yourself. Feel your feelings.
Uranus Sextiles the Sun Friday. Get out there and see the world. Do something different. Shake up the routine for best results. Synchronicities await your arrival to point you in the right direction. Follow your heart. It knows.